Event Triggers

Most menu items have triggers set on them. Triggers are like instructions that tell the plugin what to do when someone clicks on an item. Some triggers also work as conditions that decide if an item should be shown or not.

It's usually okay to change triggers that aren't conditional. But be careful when changing conditional triggers. If you do this incorrectly, it might stop some menus from working the right way. For example, an item to unlock or select something might not show up.

How to set Triggers

  1. Choose a menu file and open it.

  2. Find an item in the file and look for the trigger setting. If it's not there, you can add it.

  3. Set a trigger using this format: trigger: [TRIGGER ID]

Replace [TRIGGER ID] with the actual ID of the trigger you want to use for that item.

Trigger Example

      slot: 22
      trigger: OPEN_ALERTS

Trigger List

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