Getting Started


How to Install

  1. Buy and download the plugin.

  2. Download any required dependencies, if needed.

  3. Put the MysteryBoxes.jar file in the /plugins/ folder.

  4. Start the server. The plugin will create all the files it needs.

  5. Change the plugin settings to what you want (follow the First Steps below).

  6. Restart the server or reload the plugin to make the changes work.

First Steps

  1. After installing the plugin, it's time to make your first Mystery Vault.

  2. Once you've done that, create Mystery Boxes and Mystery Loots.

  3. Assign the Mystery Loots to your Mystery Boxes.

  4. Connect the plugin to your MySQL database (this step is optional).

  5. Look at the list of all the commands you can use.

  6. Make sure all players have the right permissions.

Need Help?

Cube Development is a shared Discord server Spigot developers and their customers.

Once you join the server, you will be asked to verify to gain access to this plugin's channel.

Last updated