Common Problems

The plugin stopped working after I've updated it.

This is a very common occurrence. It happens when an update introduces new features or changes existing ones in the configuration files. Your old configuration files may not include these new or altered settings, causing the plugin to refuse to work. You can either reset the configurations (by deleting them) or update the settings manually.

The data is not being synced between my servers.

Your server's connection to the database is probably too slow and it can't keep up.

Players can't open Mystery Vaults.

This is a common occurrence. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Ensure that players have the proper permissions.

  • Turn off spawn-protection if it is enabled.

  • If using WorldGuard, make sure that the proper flag is set.

  • Verify that your other plugins are not blocking players' interactions.

Holograms aren't displayed.

Make sure your server doesn't block Armor Stands, as the plugin uses them to display holograms. Any "Entity Cleaners" plugins may also interrupt the proper functioning of the plugin, causing bugs and errors.

Holograms are duplicated.

Normally, holograms should be removed when the plugin is disabled. Duplicated holograms may occur under certain circumstances, especially when the server crashes. When this happens, you can either reload the plugin or manually remove the hologram entities with: /kill @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand]

Last updated