/mb commands
List all commands.
/mb menu
Open a specific menu.
/mb alerts
Open the Alerts menu.
/mb stats
View stats of other players.
/mb release
Pushes a new Session ID to the database.
Mystery Boxes
/mb setboxes
<player> <box> <amount>
Set boxes for a player.
/mb addboxes
<player> <box> <amount>
Add boxes to a player.
/mb removeboxes
<player> <box> <amount>
Remove boxes from a player.
/mb setboxesall
<box> <amount>
Set boxes for all players.
/mb addboxesall
<box> <amount>
Add boxes for all players.
/mb removeboxesall
<box> <amount>
Remove boxes from all players.
/mb addrandomboxes
<player> <amount/range>
Add random boxes to a player.
/mb addrandomboxesall
Add random boxes for all players.
/mb boxinfo
See info about a box.
/mb listboxes
List all available boxes.
Mystery Loots
/mb listloots
List all loots.
/mb listdiscovered
List all un/discovered loots.
/mb listeffects
List all loot effects.
Mystery Dust
/mb setdust
<player> <amount>
Set dust for a player.
/mb adddust
<player> <amount>
Add dust to a player.
/mb removedust
<player> <amount>
Remove dust from a player.
/mb setdustall
Set dust for all players.
/mb adddustall
Add dust to all players.
/mb removedustall
Remove dust from all players.
/mb setgifts
<player> <box> <amount>
Set gifts for a player.
/mb addgifts
<player> <box> <amount>
Add gifts to a player.
/mb removegifts
<player> <box> <amount>
Remove gifts from a player.
Jukebox Songs
/mb unlocksong
<player> <song/all>
Unlock a song for a player.
/mb locksong
<player> <song/all>
Lock a song for a player.
/mb listsongs
List all songs.
Opening Themes
/mb unlocktheme
<player> <theme/all>
Unlock a theme for a player.
/mb locktheme
<player> <theme/all>
Lock a theme for a player.
/mb listthemes
List all themes.
Last updated